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Montessori Tips for Parents

To get started with Montessori parenting, the first thing to remember is to set realistic expectations. You don’t need to be the perfect Montessori parent. Give yourself and your child grace as you progress and learn together. 

  • Some of these may not seem to be directly related to “education”, but years of experience have shown the relationship between the following points and the educational outcomes.
    Take Away Points:

  • Some tears are normal in the beginning during the drop-off period, especially during the first couple of weeks. The good news is that it's temporary!
    We are happy to offer you some tips that will help drop off easier for both you and your child. Here are our top 10:

  • The goal of positive discipline is to help children develop skills to self-regulate, be confident, and develop the basic skills to be successful in society and to be happy individuals.

    Here are some ways you can establish positive discipline at home:

To get started with Montessori parenting, the first thing to remember is to set realistic expectations. You don’t need to be the perfect Montessori parent. Give yourself and your child grace as you progress and learn together.