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How to Raise Happy Children

Some of these may not seem to be directly related to “education”, but years of experience has shown the relationship between the following points and the educational outcomes.

Happy Children

Take Away Points:
1. Schedule - Arriving to school and other places on time; keep a strong routine at home.
2. Minimize Sugar & Proper Diet - Keep an eye on the supposedly ‘healthy’ items too such as granola, protein bars, muffins, pasta and rice etc... Increase fresh vegetables and fruits, and enhance their diet with vitamins and minerals.
3. Exercise and Fresh Air - Minimum for two hours a day.
4. Limiting Screen Time - Less than an hour per day.
5. Discipline  -

a) praise good behaviour, achievement and excellence and

b) discipline bad or destructive behaviour. 

6. Allow your Child to Help - involve your child in everyday chores and activities. Let them do things independently. Guide them, do not help them.
7. Environment - show them the importance of a clean, neat, and organized environment.
8. Together Time - Listen to your child and spend some quality time with them each day.
9. Reading - read to them before bed, play games with them that enhance their reading skills.
10. Control - a parent can interrupt a child’s self-determinism with bad control. Be always in positive control of your child. 

Food for Thought

  • Your child’s happiness level depends on upbringing at school and home
  • Guide your child, don’t help your child
  • You are the biggest role model in your child’s life
  • Treat them as adults
  • Let children help at simple tasks and chores
  • A child has the right to be self-determined
  • Treat your child with dignity and respect; how you would like to be treated
  • Allow your child to communicate their desires and goals


The above are some simple observations this will help with the development and education of your child.
Please do not be shy about asking for any assistance with anything that you are having trouble with or may want more knowledge on. We are here to help and are your partners in giving your child a huge head start with education and in raising him or her to become an honest, kind, happy and successful adults.

“The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school but for life”- Maria Montessori