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First Day Jitters- Our Top 10 Tips for Parents

First Day Jitters

Going to school does come with some emotions, for both the parent and the child. For a child, entering a new environment filled with unfamiliar teachers and kids can cause both anxiety and excitement.
Getting comfortable with your decision and the school setting can help you and your child feel ready. Some tears are normal in the beginning during the drop off period, especially during the first couple of weeks.

The good news is that its temporary!
We are happy to offer you some tips that will help drop off easier for both you and your child. Here are our top 10:
1. Arrange a visit to the school. Book a time with principal to let your child get used to their new environment.
2. Prepare. Knowing exactly what’s coming up helps kids feel more relaxed and prepared. You can tell, ‘We’re getting in the car now. Oh, look, we’re about to arrive at the daycare. We’ll see your friends soon’/ “Honey, when we get to daycare today, I’m going to hug you and kiss you and say goodbye, and then I’m hoping you can walk into your room and play with your friends”.
3. Consistency. Children should be brought to school on the same days and times to help create a proper routine
4. Don't sneak out. As tempting as it may be, leaving without saying goodbye can make kids feel abandoned.
5. Don’t linger. A long farewell, on the other hand, might only reinforce a child's sense that preschool is a bad place.
6. Create a predictable farewell routine. Some parents wave from the car window or make a funny goodbye face, while others have a special handshake before parting.
7. Bring a security object to school. Comfort Toy/ Blankie-Having a familiar toy or stuffed animal can help prevent tears. For some kids, it serves as a distraction and comfort.
8. Stay positive. A little positive reinforcement can go a long way. When you pick up your child, acknowledge the morning’s challenges and make him/her feel good about how he handled them. “You were nervous, but you dealt with it, and you had a great day!”
9. Don’t stress. Parents may feel guilty about putting their child in someone else’s care, and kids can sense that anxiety. Display confidence and positive attitude so that the child can feel at ease.
10. Avoid bribes. Kids will likely continue to use this strategy as long as it is working for them, and it is not a correct way to encourage them to come to school.
Add some humour to the equation and enjoy this little book with your child about Sarah’s first day jitters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUT6lgo2Sus