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Montessori Tips for Parents

To get started with Montessori parenting, the first thing to remember is to set realistic expectations. You don’t need to be the perfect Montessori parent. Give yourself and your child grace as you progress and learn together. 

  • There are many Montessori principles which at a first sight might sometimes seem difficult to understand.


    • The purpose of education is to release the potential of a child for the betterment of humanity. 
    • Education is a release from within, not a pouring in.
    • The Montessori guide is the dynamic link between the child and the prepared environment. 
    • The child constructs himself from the prepared environment. 
    • The role of the guide is to remove all obstacles in order to free the child to reach his/her greatest potential.
    • The prepared environment is materials-driven, child-initiated, and adult responsive.
    • Love is the key to self-transformation. 

To get started with Montessori parenting, the first thing to remember is to set realistic expectations. You don’t need to be the perfect Montessori parent. Give yourself and your child grace as you progress and learn together.