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Sensorial Learning

Montessori education emphasizes the importance of sensorial learning, as it helps children to explore and understand the world around them through their senses. The sensorial materials in a Montessori classroom are designed to provide children with opportunities to refine and develop their senses, including their sense of sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing. 

The sensorial materials in a Montessori classroom are carefully designed to isolate individual sensory experiences, allowing children to focus on and develop a particular sense at a time. For example, the Pink Tower, a set of ten blocks varying in size, allows children to explore spatial relationships and develop their visual discrimination skills. The Material for the Sense of Touch, a set of textured cylinders, encourages children to explore and differentiate different textures through touch. 

Through sensorial learning, children in a Montessori classroom develop important cognitive, perceptual, and motor skills. They also gain a greater understanding of their own bodies and the world around them, which can help to foster a sense of curiosity and wonder. The focus on sensory experiences in Montessori education also helps to promote the development of the whole child, including their emotional, social, and physical development.

  • Pink Tower Broad Stair Combination
  • Geometric Cabinet
  • Binomial Cube
  • Constructive Triangles