We've opened up spots to book in-person tours!


  • Montessori education emphasizes the importance of sensorial learning, as it helps children to explore and understand the world around them through their senses.

  • Practical Life Activities encourage children to learn and practice the skills of daily living. On one hand where they prosper independence in the learners on the other hand, they also make them develop self- confidence.

  • There are many Montessori principles which at a first sight might sometimes seem difficult to understand.


    • The purpose of education is to release the potential of a child for the betterment of humanity. 
    • Education is a release from within, not a pouring in.
    • The Montessori guide is the dynamic link between the child and the prepared environment. 
    • The child constructs himself from the prepared environment. 
    • The role of the guide is to remove all obstacles in order to free the child to reach his/her greatest potential.
    • The prepared environment is materials-driven, child-initiated, and adult responsive.
    • Love is the key to self-transformation.